Gio Ponti & Emilio Lancia - Italy
Casa Torre Rasini
Bastioni di Porta Venezia 1, Milano
1933 - 1936

The Torre Rasini is the last building which saw the collaboration between Gio Ponti and Emilio Lancia.
The complex consists of two distinct houses, rising next to each other. The ensemble benefits from a noteworthy environmental location,
as they are located in close proximity of the gardens. The lower building features a white marble facing, and is mostly designed by Ponti.
With this construction Ponti testifies to the traditional urban concept of high-class residential buildings. The higher building owes Lancia a
predominant architectural contribution. It is a twelve-story tower which unfolds in a vibrant rhythm and is characterised by prestigious
apartments fitted with hanging gardens and terraces lined with plants. Those buildings are representative for Ponti and Lancia's architecture.
With their approach to planimetric solutions and infrastructures which are accurately designed to offer the upper-middle class a house model
up to their standing.