Giovanni Muzio - Italy
Case Bonaiti e Malugani
Via della Repubblica 7 - 9, Milano
1935 - 1937

Approximately ten years after designing the Ca' Brütta, Giovanni Muzio ventured again upon the design of a residential building of large Dimensions.
Due to its volume the bulding occupies a remarkably extended area. The construction overlooks the piazza della Repubblica and the Via Marcora.
In the light of their impactful presence, they constitute an important element in the definition of the appearance of the square. The building block
stands out in form of a compact volume, but in reality it consists of two distinct apartment structures. After overcoming the language that had
distinguished the façade decorations of Ca' Brütta, Giovanni Muzio chose in this case an approach, that moves away from the bombastic languages
of other constructions he designed. This building tries to find its place amidst an orderly urban context without causing sudden ruptures.
The compactness of the building block is dissolved by the deep vertical openings of the terraces, which soften the volume, where the dark red
clinker facing is detache from the granite base. This building is also an expression of the upper-middle class of that time. The plans and utility blocks
were studied with painstaiking care and innovative design criterias were implemented as proven by the presence of garages.